Thursday, November 1, 2007

Taste of the Dragon Fruit

What does the Dragon Fruit taste like? There seems to be a lot of differing
opinions pertaining to what the fruit actually taste like. Some has said that
it has a melon like flavour and some has even associate it to kiwi or even pears.

As for me it looks quite similar to kiwifruit with the seeds and all,
but that is as far as the similarities go. A good grade dragon fruit @ pitaya @ matanaga will taste much better and sweeter. I find the taste of the dragon fruit to be crunchy with its seed and
the sweetness is just right with plenty of juice. The red and yellow varieties
are better in taste as compared to the white variety.

It is a must try for everyone. The Dragon Fruit is best eaten chilled. It is a great fruit to grow, eat or even made to drinks.

In conclusion A simply delicious fruit! Give it a try and You'll love it.


Dominic said...

Since you're doing research on the dragon fruit, I have one question. Can you pls write an article why some has white flesh while others has red?

By the way, have you heard of blogoshpere or blogrush? it's a widget which should be quite helpful for us to get traffic. Just a simple widget to put on blog.

Check it out:

Karisma Dragon Fruit said...

The color difference is already stated in the very first post in the blog. The difference in flesh color is due to the different varieties available. If you ask me why the different varieties have different colors, I'll have to past the hat over to the readers...:)

Yes heard of blogrush tried it on the blog too but the widget did not appear don't know why...