Sunday, November 18, 2007

Legend of the DRAGON Fruit

All this while I've been sharing with you about where this special fruit came from, where it is planted and its value today. I've always wondered why the name Dragon Fruit. Well the skins do look like the scales of a dragon.....ya like I've seen an actual dragon myself. I did some searches on the net and found this interesting article. Would like to share it with all of you.

The LEGEND Of The DRAGON FRUIT...........................
(Extract from tropicalfruitnursery)
According to the legend the fruit was created thousands of years ago by fire breathing dragons. During a battle when the dragon would breathe fire and the last thing to come out would be the fruit. After the dragon is slain the fruit is collected and presented to the Emperor as a coveted treasure and indication of victory.

The soldiers would then butcher the dragon and eat the flesh. It was believed that those who feasted on the flesh would be endowed with the strength and ferocity of the dragon and that they too would be coveted by the Emperor.

It is written that the dragon’s flame originates deep within its body near the base of its tail. The meat from this part of the dragon was the most desirable and most sought after portion. Only the officers of each division would be privy to this cut of meat. The ancient Chinese called this cut the “jaina,” which translates literally to “the sweetest and best tasting.”

The jaina was treasured by all who were privileged enough to taste it, and it is believed that man’s thirst for the jaina is what led to the destruction and eventual extinction of all of the dragons.

Wow...pretty cool right. See now we all know how the Dragon Fruit came about. So what are you waiting for, run to the nearest fruit stall and treat yourself the fruit of the Emperor.


Ashik Ratnani said...

I would like to perform Link Exchange with you. My site is

Karisma Dragon Fruit said...

Hi I appreciate your interest in the link exchange but I prefer to link you to another blog which I'm a bout to start. Would that be alright?

Ashik Ratnani said...

Ya its alright but first you wilplace the link and then mail me or place a comment on my blog . Then I ll Place your link on mine ok.

Karisma Dragon Fruit said...

will do and thanks.

Dennis Rode said...

Whoa! Nice to know the legend of dragon fruit! For me this is the weirdest fruit ever. I like its appearance, but the taste, oh come on. Well I can't deny that this fruits is one of the best foods for dieting. My sister loves eating this one. She includes this fruit to her diet meal. She has become aware of her diet after she underwent breast augmentation at Tampa. Well, any women will be more watchful about their diet after that procedure because for sure they want to maintain their shapes.

Alexis Owmizer said...

Heeh, that legend made me laugh, in a sense. But this fruit is indeed doing wonders in helping the body lose weight. Dennis, how long has your sister included it in her diet? She might be sexier this time because of that!