Sunday, October 14, 2007

Soil, Moisture and Humidity

Dragon Fruit grows best in dry, tropical or subtropical climates where annual rainfall ranges from 60-100" per year. In wet, tropical zones, plants may grow well but sometimes have problems setting fruit reliably. The plant can tolerate temperatures to 104F, and short periods of frost, but prolonged cold will have severe consequences as it will damage and kill the plant.

The plant flourish in tropical climate.

Dragon Fruit can grow on any soil type, but because of their epiphytic nature, it is recommended to grow them in soil that is supplemented with high amounts of organic material. The plant has been grown successfully in sandy and black soils. The most important thing is that the soil be loose. The flowers are big and beautiful. They bloom only at night, and usually last just one night where pollination is necessary to set fruit. In a tropical climate, the Dragon Fruit plants can fruit all year round.

Beautiful blooming flowers.

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